My name is Ipshita Karmakar, and I am a final year Master of City Planning Candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a current Fulbright Fellow from India, graduating in May 2023. I have a bachelor’s degree in architecture from KRVIA, Mumbai, India and 6 years of work experience working as an architect, urban designer and urban planner in South Asia, Africa, South America, and the USA.
Across my practice, my interest has been in issues related to disaster mitigation, urban resilience and international development. I am particularly interested in using tools of geospatial analysis,urban analytics and community engagement in resiliency planning.

Courses taken:
Gateway to Urban Planning I (Fall 2021)
Gateway to Urban Planning II (Spring 2022)
Introduction to GIS and Spatial Analysis (Fall 2021)
Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning and Statistical Methods (Fall 2021)
Advanced GIS (Fall 2021)
Introduction to International Development Planning (Fall 2021)
Entrepreneurship in the Built Environment (Fall 2021)
Negotiation Analysis (Fall 2021)
Planning Economics (Spring 2022)
Spatial Statistics (Spring 2022)
Codesign 2022: Technologies for Rural Sustainability in Colombia (Spring 2022)
Independent Study: Urban Studies and Planning – Post disaster needs assessment of Honduras (Spring 2022)
Development, Management, Finance of Infrastructure in Developing Countries (Spring 2022)
Urban Design Studio (Fall 2022)
Intermediate and Advanced Statistics for Educational Research (Fall 2022)
Real Estate Finance and Development (Fall 2022)
Land Policy and Planning for Equitable and Fiscally Healthy Communities (Fall 2022)
Geospatial Programming in Python (Spring 2023)
International Humanitarian Response I and II (Spring 2023)
Planning in Practice (Spring 2023)
Thesis (Spring 2023) - Disaster Diplomacy:
The spatial implications of international reconstruction aid post the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal